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​Conventional bit shape.
Familiar and calming for horses.
Angled side entry. Positions and holds the syringe towards the rear of the tongue.
Unique syringe adapter. Accepts all syringe sizes up to 30 ml.
UV stabilised materials. Tough and durable.

Worming horses is a complex and well researched area of animal health, regulated in most countries, and a critical part of horse ownership and care. Understanding fully what is best for your horse, and when and how to administer the de-wormer, is often overlooked in the need to quickly get the job done. However, in time this can lead to complications due worm resistance to the pastes used. You can develop an effective worming programme on an annual basis by using tactical worming for specific parasites, using faecal worm egg counts and tapeworm testing, where available, plus rotate active ingredients during the seasons (not just the brand), depending on grazing conditions (cleaning and resting paddocks), and climate. Retailers in the UK are qualified to consult and sell worming paste products.
MediBit has been designed to specifically help avoid paste being expelled during application. The Patented geometry of MediBit dispenses the worming paste onto the back of the tongue, behind the bit bar in an area that promotes swallowing – it is harder to bring paste forward from the rear of the tongue and the bit bar acts as a chewing barrier, again promoting swallowing. This encourages a higher proportion of the paste to be swallowed and can therefore do its work in the horse’s gut. Medibit has been designed to accept syringes of up to 30ml for administering liquid medication or vitamin or mineral supplements.
Above all else, if you have any concerns about the health of your horse, please talk to your vet.

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